A wealth of new information regarding Evolve has emerged, including class types and back story.
Announced in the new edition of Game Informer, the accompanying feature details the Turtle Rock developed shooter.Originally set to be published by THQ when it was revealed in 2011, 2K Games will now handle the title.
The key points are below:
- Turtle Rock has been working on Evolve for three years.
- There will be a solo 'experience' in Evolve, though Turtle Rock is not yet willing to talk about it.
- A studio spokesperson says Evolve will feature "very lush and large outdoor environments" with "a lot of AI wildlife"
- The monster player will leave tracks for hunters to follow as well as other "visual and aural clues".
- The monster player will be able to feed on wildlife in order to grow larger and more fearsome
- The game is designed for 1-vs-5 multiplayer, though fewer than that can participate in a session, with AI filling out the team. Players can switch between AI characters.
- The story of Evolve involves the settlement of humanity on distant planets. The biggest frontier planet is called Shear. Hunters are tasked with making these dangerous, alien-infested planets hospitable to colonists, though aliens of Shear have evolved rapidly during the course of humanity's presence.
- While Hunt mode pits four human players against a human controlled monster until the death, the monster player can complete objectives in order to win.
- Weapons have unlimited ammunition.
- Hunters can only die and be revived three times before they're officially ousted from the game.
- Classes include Assault, Medics, Support and Trappers. Assault focuses on aggression, Medics can provide health boosts to the team, Support can apply various power ups and shields to the team, while Trappers can contain the monsters.
- Evolve will also bost a progression system for both characters and items.
- In addition to Hunt mode, more modes will feature.
- Evolve will be supported by post-launch content, but Turtle Rock stopped short of confirming DLC.