BlackBerry on Monday resumed the rollout of BBM for Android and iPhone after postponing the launch late last month. The free app should now be available via Google Play, the App Store and in select Samsung App Stores as of writing according to a BlackBerry blog post on the matter.
The app was supposed to launch last month but plans were put on hold at the last minute. According to the company, an unreleased version of BBM for Android found its way onto the net ahead of the public launch which caused an insurmountable amount of technical issues. BlackBerry was forced to postpone the launch and disable support for the Android app. Those that were able to download the iOS app were allowed to continue to use it, however.
To ensure a smooth rollout, the company will be implementing a first-come, first-served system. To get started, simply download BBM and run the app. You’ll be asked to enter your e-mail address to hold your spot in line. Once your number comes up, you’ll be sent an e-mail and can start using BBM right away.
BlackBerry said that roughly six million people signed up to be notified when the app would become available once again. Those people will all be allowed to use the app right away, we’re told. Users are encouraged to follow BBM on Twitter to see how quickly the line is moving at any given time.
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