How To Make A Marquee Effect (Running Text) In Blog

What is marquee? Marquee is a HTML program to make a running/moving text. Many people like this, because by wearing marquee in our blog, the blog will be attractive. Before I tell how to make it, it's better for you to know some HTML code in marquee.

Marquee can be made with tag <marquee>. . .</marquee>

bgcolor="color" (set the background color)

direction="left/right/up/down(set the direction)

behavior="scroll/side/alternate(set the characteristic of text)

tittle="message" (your message that will be display)

scrollamount="number" (set the speed of text)

scrolldelay="number" (set the delay time)

loop="number" (set the number of loops)

width="number(set the width of text background)

height="number" (set the height of text background)

NOTE : Change the blue word

Confuse? I give you some examples, see below

<marquee align="center" direction="right" height="70" scrollamount="2" width="100%">
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<marquee align="center" direction="left" height="70" scrollamount="3" width="100%" behavior="alternate">
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<marquee bgcolor="RED" width="100%" scrollamount="3" behavior="alternate">
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<marquee onmouseover="this.stop( ) " onmouseout="this.start ( ) " scrollamount="2" drection="up" width="100%" height="100" align="center">
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For another marquee effect, you can change the HTML code and make your own attractive marquee effect!