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Commit all your crimes when Sachin is batting. They will go unnoticed because even the Lord is watching

The Top 15 + Funny Google Tricks

Hello friends today as we all know google is the best search engine in the world that provide imformation related to our problem. I am going to show you some funny and amazing tricks that you can do with google and share it with your friends as all tricks are simple to implement and interesting to see effect on google. 
Note try to use these tricks in  "I'm Feeling lucky Button"

1  Google Gravity  

With this cool trick ,you are going yo see google logo,search box and all other stuffs on the google page falling down to the buttom of the browser as shown in figure

To do the above trick click on link Google gravity above or just write google gravity in google search box  and switch to ."I'm Feeling lucky Button" and then search it.

2  elgooG

As by its name it will show you the mirror image of google as show in figure

To do the above trick click on link elgooG above or just typing the elgoog in thrsearch engine with the "I'm Feeling lucky Button"

Pacman on Google

You can play pacman game on google  as well as control it with your keyboard . To play pacman game click  
 on the pacman on google above or text pacman google in google search box

4  Tilt

This will tilt on the google screen as shown in the below figure

This can be done by click on Tilt shown above or by text the tilt in google search box

5  Epic Google 

It will increase the size of google each component bigger and bigger .Open google.com,type Epic Google in the search box on I'm feeling Lucky button 

 Weenie Google

This work opposite to epic Google .It decrease the size of each component smaller and smaller..Open google.com, type Weenie Google in the search box on I'm feeling Lucky button

Rainbow Google

To have a rainbow effect on google.open google.com type rainbow google inthe search box and see rainbow google

Disappearing oo in google

This trick can use to show magic to others by disappearing oo from google. to do this click the above link , after that google search engine will appear to you then click on screen than after that after 3 sec. oo will diaappear

Let Me Google That For You 

It wil trace what you search on google and help to share what you search on google with friends.

10 Dancing Google Logo

For seeing google Logo to dance click on above link .

11 Put Your Name On Google Logo

12 Google In Black

Search with this like as you do in Google . Make your search funny by changing some letters into capital or some into small letters

15 Google Pirate

It simply make use of google Custom Search To restrict your search to Torrent Files

- See more at: http://www.technologyraise.com/2012/07/top-15-funny-google-tricks.html#sthash.SAQOphtB.dpuf

Command Prompt Tricks and Hacks

The Windows Command Prompt tool, and many of its commands, might seem boring or even relatively useless at first glance, but as anyone who has ever used the Command Prompt very often can tell you, there's much to love!
Below are several Command Prompt tricks and other Command Prompt hacks that I guarantee will get you excited about many of the mundane sounding Command Prompt commands like telnet, tree, or robocopy... okay, robocopy sounds pretty cool.
Some of these Command Prompt tricks and hacks are special features or uses of the Command Prompt itself, while others are just neat or relatively unknown things you can do with certain commands. Enjoy!

1. Use Ctrl-C to Abort a Command

Ctrl-C - Command Prompt Tricks
Just about any command can be stopped in its tracks with the abort command: Ctrl-C.
If you haven't actually executed a command, you can just backspace and erase what you've typed, but if you've already executed it then you can do a Ctrl-C to stop it.
Warning: Ctrl-C isn't a magic wand and it can't undo things that aren't undoable, like a partially complete format command. However, for things like the dir command that seem to go on forever or questions you're asked at the prompt that you don't know the answer to, the abort command is an excellent Command Prompt trick to know.

2. View a Command's Results One Page (or Line) at a Time

More Command - Command Prompt Tricks
Ever run a command, like the dir command, that produces so much information on the screen that it's almost useless? You're not alone.
One way around this is to execute the command in a special way so whatever information is generated is shown to you one page, or one line, at a time.
To do this, just type the command, the dir command for example, and then follow it with the pipe redirection operator and then the more command.
For example, executing dir /s | more will generate the thousands of lines of results that you expect from the dir command, but the more command will pause each page of results with -- More -- at the bottom of the page, indicating that the command is not done running.
Just press the space bar to advance by page or press the Enter key to advance one line at a time.
See Command Prompt Trick #7 below for a different solution to this problem.

3. Run Command Prompt as an Administrator Automatically

Command Prompt Admin Shortcut - Command Prompt Tricks
Many commands require that you execute them from an elevated Command Prompt in Windows - in other words, execute them from a Command Prompt that's run as an administrator.
You can always right-click on any Command Prompt shortcut and choose Run as administrator but creating a shortcut to do the same thing can be a huge time saver if you're a frequent Command Prompt power user.
To complete this Command Prompt trick, just create a Command Prompt shortcut on the desktop, enter the shortcut's properties and then select the Run as administrator box located in the Advanced button on the Shortcut tab.

4. Become a Command Prompt Power User with Function Keys

Command Prompt Function Keys - Command Prompt Tricks
The fact that the function keys actually do something in the Command Prompt is maybe one of the best kept secrets about the tool:
F1: Pastes the last executed command (character by character)
F2: Pastes the last executed command (up to the entered character)
F3: Pastes the last executed command
F4: Deletes current prompt text up to the entered character
F5: Pastes recently executed commands (does not cycle)
F6: Pastes ^Z to the prompt
F7: Displays a selectable list of previously executed commands
F8: Pastes recently executed commands (cycles)
F9: Asks for the number of the command from the F7 list to paste
Command Prompt Trick #17 is full of arrow key shortcuts, a few of which are similar to these function key tricks.

5. Hack the Prompt Text

Prompt Command - Command Prompt Tricks
Did you know that the prompt itself in the Command Prompt is completely customizable thanks to the prompt command? It is, and when I say customizable, I mean really customizable.
Instead of C:\>, you can set the prompt to any text you want, have it include the time, the current drive, the Windows version number, you name it.
One useful example is prompt $m$p$g which will show the full path of a mapped drive in the prompt, alongside the drive letter.
You can always execute prompt alone, without options, to return it to its sometimes boring default.

6. Get Help for Any Command

Help Switch - Command Prompt Tricks
Believe it or not, the help command does not provide help for every Command Prompt command. However, any command can be suffixed with the /? option, usually called the help switch, to display detailed information about the command's syntax and often times even some examples.
I doubt that the help switch is the coolest Command Prompt trick you've ever heard of, but it's hard to disagree that it's one of the more useful.
Unfortunately, neither the help command nor the help switch offer much in the way of explaining how to interpret the syntax. See How To Read Command Syntax if you need help with that.

7. Save a Command's Output to a File

Command Output - Command Prompt Tricks
An incredibly useful Command Prompt trick is the use of redirection operators, specifically the > and >> operators.
These little characters let you redirect the output of a command to a file, giving you a saved version of whatever data the command produced in the Command Prompt window.
For example, let's say you're about to post a computer problem to an online forum and you want to provide really accurate information about your computer. An easy way to do that would be to use the systeminfo command with a redirection operator.
For example, you might execute systeminfo > c:\mycomputerinfo.txt to save the information provided by the systeminfo command to a file. You could then attach the file to your forum post.
See How To Redirect Command Output to a File for more examples and a better explanation of how to use redirection operators.

8. View Your Hard Drive's Entire Directory Structure

Directory Structure with Tree Command - Command Prompt Tricks
I think one of the neatest little commands is the tree command. With tree, you can create a kind of map of your computer's directories.
Execute tree from any directory to see the folder structure under that directory.
Tip: With so much information, it's probably a good idea to export the results of the tree command to a file. For example, tree /a > c:\treeresults.txt, just as explained in Command Prompt Trick #7.

9. Customize the Command Prompt Title Bar Text

Command Prompt Title Bar - Command Prompt Tricks
Tired of that Command Prompt title bar text? No problem, just use the title command to change it to whatever you like.
For example, let's say your name is Maria Smith, and you want to express your ownership of the Command Prompt: execute title Property of Maria Smith and the Command Prompt's title bar will change immediately.
The change won't stick, so the next time you open Command Prompt the title bar will be back to normal.
The title command is usually used to help give a custom appearance in script files and batch files... not that I'm saying titling it with your name isn't a good idea!

10. Copy From the Command Prompt

Mark Feature in Command Prompt - Command Prompt Tricks
As you may or may not know, copying from the Command Prompt is not as easy as copying from other programs, which is part of the reason why saving a command's output to a file, Command Prompt Trick #7, is so handy.
But what if you do just want to copy a short section of text to the clipboard? It's not too hard but it's not very intuitive either.
Right-click anywhere in the Command Prompt window and choose Mark. Now, highlight with your left mouse button whatever you'd like to copy. Once your selection is made, press Enter.
Now you can paste that information into whatever program you'd like.;

Should You Be Interested in Cloud Computing?

The expensive cost of hardware and software drives up infrastructure and operation (I&O) expenses for most businesses. Many businesses are looking for different strategies to help cut down the I&O expenses. One of the fastest growing technology trends that can potentially reduce I&O expenses for businesses is cloud computing.

Save money with "Pay-as-you-go"

Cloud computing adopts a "pay-as-you-go" model, which allows business to pay only for the storage capacity that they use. This model provides very little up-front cost compare to setting up and maintaining an in-house infrastructure. Businesses can start out by renting a small amount of storage, and then increase the storage capacity as required. The idea behind the "pay-as-you-go" model is to allow businesses to adopt cloud computing quickly. Businesses will see an immediate return on investment (ROI) after migrating their infrastructure to the cloud.

Cloud Computing

Save money with "Outsourcing"

For maximum cost savings, most businesses will outsource most of their infrastructure components. By moving their infrastructure to the cloud and hosted by third-party cloud providers, businesses will experience a tremendous decrease in operation cost associated with IT staffing and hardware maintenance. Traditionally, businesses require a high number of IT professionals to take care of the day-to-day infrastructure maintenance such as installation, upgrades, and continuous enhancements. The number of IT staffs can greatly be reduced as more infrastructures are moved away from the traditional model and into the cloud.

Migrate to the cloud only when it makes sense

Advantages of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing offers a wide range of solutions that include Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The technology department is responsible for evaluating which one of these three components should be adopted based on the business requirements. For example, IT needs to determine the number of users that require desktops, the number and type of software applications, and the infrastructure components that are currently supported by the cloud. Businesses also need to research and evaluate the different cloud providers and cloud solutions. Standard office applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, and collaboration tools are offered by Microsoft Office 365 or Google Apps.

Another requirement that businesses should carefully evaluate is the mandatory federal and state regulatory and compliances. A financial institution will have stricter compliances to follow than a software development firm will. The reason for this is that financial institution contains more sensitive data than other type of businesses. As a result, financial institutions will have stricter guidelines when it come to moving their data to the cloud.

Less power equals more savings, and the go green factor

Whether the cloud is internally hosted or outsourced to third party cloud providers, businesses will save money on energy either way. Cloud computing is much more energy efficient because there are fewer servers and network equipments that are required to operate. In addition to saving energy costs, businesses are also contributing to a healthier planet by leaving a smaller energy footprint.

Wirelessly Transfer Files on Android Devices With Dropbox

As great as smart phones have become when it comes to handling our digital lives, there are still a few tiresome concessions we make for their use. One is having to plug our device into our computer in order to transfer files. Some manufacturers such as Apple have launched new services to alleviate that using cloud computing. Here is one way you can send files to your Android based phone completely free without the help of a USB cable. 

Transfer files android wireless
Transferring files wirelessly on Android using Dropbox is easy

Step 1: On your computer, navigate to dropbox.com and download the application installer.

Step 2: Once the application has been downloaded, run it and an initial set up wizard should begin. 

Step 3: Using the initial set up wizard, create a Dropbox account by entering your name, email address and computer name.

Step 4: folder called Dropbox should now be available on your computer. Put any file you wish to wirelessly send to your phone in this folder.

Step 5: On your Android phone, open your App drawer and open the Market application.

Step 6: Search for Dropbox and install the application.

Step 7: Once installed, return home and re-open your App drawer and start up the Dropbox app.  

Step 8: Tap the existing Dropbox account button and log in using the account you just created in step 3.

You should now see any files you have in the Dropbox folder. Transferring additional files to your phone wirelessly is now as easy as dragging them into the folder and starting the app on your phone. Dropbox allows you to send up to 2GBs of data for free. Any files larger than that will either have to be transferred via hard connection or you’ll have to sign up for a 50 or 100 GB plan.

7 Wi-Fi Tweaks to Increase Your Speed

Chances are if you have a wireless internet connection at your home, you have had some trouble with the speed of the connection at least once before. That being said, a slow wireless connection can be frustrating to deal with. You are probably paying good money to your internet service provider, so slow speed is something you should not have to deal with, right? Well, the truth is wireless speed can be affected by a number of things. Luckily there are some Wi-Fi tweaks you can try that should help boost your speed and get you rolling in no time.

1. Reposition Your Router

The position of your wireless router plays a major role in the speed and strength of your wireless connection. If you are having trouble, you should try to reposition your router in a centrally located area, where the signal can equally reach each wireless device in your house. If your router is near an outside wall, try to move it closer to the middle of your house. Routers that are placed near outside walls can send some of the signal outside, which can risk your wireless connection’s strength and speed.

2. Purchase a Wireless Signal Repeater

Adding a wireless signal repeater to your home network can greatly increase the speed of your connection. A repeater works by extending your signal without having to add any additional wires. All you have to do is simply place the wireless repeater in a location that is between your router and your wireless device(s). It will instantly boost the wireless signal that is sent from the router to your devices, meaning faster speeds for you.

3. Install a New Antenna

Most wireless routers come standard with an omnidirectional antenna, meaning it broadcasts the wireless signal in a circular radius to reach various places in your home. If your router is in a perfectly centered location between all of your wireless devices, this is probably fine. But if your router isn’t perfectly centered among devices, you should think about replacing the existing antenna with a stronger one, known as a high-gain antenna. You can usually remove your old antenna and replace it with one of these stronger antennas to boost your signal strength, therefore increasing the speed of your connection. Another perk of a high-gain antenna is its ability to focus the wireless signal in any direction you prefer.

Increase Wireless internet Speed

4. Use One Brand of Equipment

You may not think that using different brands of equipment can reduce the speed of your wireless connection, but in reality it can. If you use different brands of equipment, your components may not work as efficiently. This is because many manufacturers of wireless networking equipment pre-install enhancements in all of their products. These enhancements can boost speed, but will only work if products from the same manufacturer are used simultaneously. If you are using various brands of equipment and your speed is suffering, this is definitely worth a try.

5. Reduce Frequency Interference

Many household electronics, such as cordless telephones and baby monitors, run at the same frequency as wireless routers. This means that these electronic devices can interfere with the wireless signal that is being broadcast from your router, which can affect the speed and performance of your connection. Check the box of your router to see what frequency it runs at, and try to avoid using other electronic devices that operate at the same frequency. You can also try to change the channel on your router to avoid frequency interference.

6. Check for Firmware or Driver Updates Regularly

The manufacturers of wireless routers and network adapters often release firmware or driver updates that can improve the function of your wireless connection. You can find and download these updates at the manufacturers’ websites. Updates are usually done to fix issues, add features, and strengthen your equipment’s performance. Check for these updates on a regular basis to make sure your firmware and drivers are always kept up to date.

7. Secure Your Wireless Network

If your network is not properly secured, neighbors could be using your signal. This can reduce the speed of your connection because you are in a sort, sharing the wireless signal. Set up secure passwords and some sort of wireless encryption that will prevent anyone else from accessing your wireless network. All of these Wi-Fi tweaks can greatly boost the speed of your wireless connection. If one of them does not seem to do the trick, try another or even a multitude of options. It may take a little time and patience, but once you figure out what works to speed up your connection, you will be happy you put forth the effort.

Cool JavaScript Tricks: Edit Websites in Browser (Live)

Imagine a world where you are a God and have ultimate control on what happens and more importantly, how it happens. Seems too good a dream. Now it has come true, at least for the online world.

JavaScript tricks
Using this trick, you will be able to edit any webpage live in your browser as if it was a Wiki and change the details according to your wish. Yes, you read that right. You can edit Google or even Facebook for that matter right in your browser and that too without requiring any technical know-how or getting deep into hacking and cracking.

Here is an example picture demonstrating the Google Homepage edited by me to say that I own Google.
Edit Websites Browser

This is just an example. You can use it for anything like showing wrong traffic stats or for fooling people by showing that someone said something about them on Facebook or Twitter. It depends only on your creativity. But I would advise you to stay ethical and use it for entertainment purposes only.

(Mozilla Firefox does not support this. If you use Firefox, you can use the bookmarklets given at the end of this post. If you use Google Chrome and the code does not seem to work, precede it with "javascript:" without quotes.)

To use this trick, all you need to do is just copy the code given below and paste it in your address bar after you have opened the website you wish to edit. And start editing.

You can capture a screenshot by pressing the Print Screen key or by using the Snipping Tool if you use Windows 7 or Windows Vista. If you wish to again make the website non-editable to give a more authentic look, copy and paste the code given below in the address bar after you are done editing (does not work in Firefox).


Or, alternatively you can use the following bookmarklets by dragging them to your Bookmarks bar.

1.  Edit this Website

2.  Done Editing

The editing that you do will however be temporary as it is not server-sided. You can also save the modified website through your browser by File>Save. This works on all common web browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer.

YouTube Tricks, Tips & Secret Features You Might Have Missed

YouTube, the extremely popular video sharing website averaging more than 3 billion page views per day needs no introduction to its fans who spend a considerable amount of their time watching and sharing videos. While most of these users know every nook and corner of this website, there are some features that are hidden deep within, in a manner that only few of the most experienced users seem to know about them. This article contains some such features, tips and tricks.

YouTube Tips, Tricks and Features
YouTube MySpeed 
Are YouTube videos taking too much time to load on your internet connection? Visit the YouTube MySpeed page to find your video streaming speed and compare it with the average speed of your ISP, your city, your state, your country and the world.

YouTube Disco
YouTube is all set to replace your music players with YouTube Disco. This music discovery project allows you to find the videos of your choice, create a list of them and then easily watch them without having the need to choose a new video after the one you are watching is finished.

YouTube Snakes Easter egg
You can play the classic Snakes game while watching any video in your browser. Just pause and resume a video, hold the left arrow key for 2 seconds and while still holding it, press the Up arrow key. This only works in the new YouTube player on videos played on YouTube.com.

YouTube Editor
Do you edit your videos before uploading them to YouTube? Now, you don't need to because it lets you to do all of that online with YouTube Editor; well not all of that but it at least lets you combine, trim and rotate videos. The best part about YouTube Editor is that it allows you to find copyright free music that you can add to your videos. It also offers some comparably advanced features like stabilizing shaky videos and inserting transitions.

YouTube Leanback
YouTube lets you watch the videos of your choice but have you ever wanted to just sit back and enjoy watching videos just like you watch television? YouTube Leanback can help. YouTube Leanback plays high quality full screen videos tailored to your choices (if you are signed in to your Google account). If you are not signed in, you can choose a category to watch videos from, watch featured videos and even search for the video of your choice. You can then connect your TV to your computer to seamlessly enjoy TV, YouTube style.

YouTube Tips & Tricks
YouTube Leanback
YouTube XL
While you can enjoy videos on your TV using Leanback, the interface is far from desirable. So, to allow users on smart TVs browse videos more effectively, YouTube has an XL version for large screen sizes. This version does not have comments and other unimportant stuff that you see in the standard version.

Set default video playback quality
Are you annoyed at manually changing the quality of every YouTube video you watch? Now you don't need to, because YouTube has an option that automatically lets you select the quality of videos you see. If you have a slow connection, you can select the option of never playing high quality videos. You can also select the option of showing captions and annotations automatically.

Watch Videos blocked in your country : URL trick
If the URL of the video that is blocked in your country is youtube.com/watch?v={video-id}, you can access it by going to youtube.com/v/{video-id}. As an additional advantage, you will be able to view the video at the full size of your browser window.

Link to a specific time in a video
If you want to link to a video at a specific time, you can add #t=XXs to the URL where XX is a variable which represents the number of seconds after which the video will start.

YouTube Live
YouTube Live lets you find all live broadcasts available. You can also see a list of videos that are scheduled to be broadcasted at a later date.

YouTube Tricks, Tips
Watch Live broadcasts on YouTube
Create a feed of almost anything on YouTube
Just go to the YouTube Data API page and build a custom feed for yourself. However, there is a problem with the URI generated for specific categories as  "{http://gdata.youtube.com/ schemas/ 2007/ categories.cat}" is also added. Remove this and the URI is good to go.

YouTube Charts
Want to find the best videos on YouTube? Use YouTube Charts to find what other users are watching, discussing and favoring. You can select a particular category to determine the best videos in that particular category. You can even filter videos to determine what has been popular this week, this month or this year. You also have the option to play all the videos obtained in results.

Legally Watch Full Length Movies and TV Shows on YouTube
YouTube has a dedicated page to allow users to watch full-length ad supported movies for free. Movies are classified based on their genre and are offered in full HD quality. Movies are uploaded by the creators for the purpose of creating another source of revenue for themselves as Google gives them a portion of the advertising revenue. A similar page exists for TV shows.

YouTube Feather Beta
Love browsing videos but are on a terribly slow connection? Feather, the new experimental feature to allow users on slow connections enjoy YouTube might help you. It achieves this by serving the lowest amount of data to a user. Naturally, this means removal of several features that don't add much value. Feather is currently available only as an opt-in service which allows you to opt out anytime you want.